Monday, 7 November 2011


The first presentation was on EcoTechnology. (This was my initial choice of topic for my review paper!) The group identified Starbucks as a good corporate citizen and demonstrated a few examples of Starbuck's green initiatives. The group also identified other initiatives whereby corporations engage in responsible behaviour. I think this really points out the fact that you can do business with the environment in mind. It can't always be about economic sense over environment protection.

When I first saw that a group in our class was focusing their final group project on photography, I was pretty amazed. I had wondered what you could possibly discussed about a camera. After the presentation, I realised I took the camera for granted and saw it as a baby invention that didn't warrant much time/research.. I realised now, after browsing the site, that cameras are important documentation tools, which was a main purpose for the invention of this technology. Where would people be if cameras weren't invented. I bet this would be a good movie idea. We would have led our lives very differently and all history would have to be reliant on words. In any case, it was mentioned in the website that 3D camera technology will advance and become commercialized most quickly. A bit of googling showed that a tech blogger suggested that 3D camera would hardly be a requirement. Well, I'm pretty sure that's what a lot of people said about a smartphone.

Well, I was really happy to see some one doing a project on this topic as I think it is super interesting and I thought the research part would have been quite fun. I remember reading somewhere that people can BUY anything online and most have started to order everything online and nobody has to go anywhere to get anything.

Prof posed this same question to the class - What couldn't you buy online? I had a few answers.. they seemed to answer themselves though. The first thing that came to my mind was pets, but you can buy pets online, so what about houses, but online real estate websites are thriving. Then I realize you can buy a lot of things online, even products that required you to touch and feel them... Well the thing, businesses understand the drivers of growth of e-commerce and have since expanded their retail channels to the web. E-commerce is often complementary to brick and mortar stores.

It was also asked in class if we could ever get to that stage where we would buy everything online? Well, I sure hope not. But it could happen and I'm just saying.. a LOT of people would need to find a new hobby. I don't recall seeing no shops in futuristic movies though.

But, I digress, with the advent of augmented reality technology, this could be a real future, albeit a far future? I still see a lot of sense in brick and mortar shops. I believe e-commerce should be complementary to brick and mortar shops. I think the group answered this part pretty well with the few future innovations they suggested, like T-commerce where people can expand the advertisements shown and purchase the product they like. I think this is a wonderful example of how technology can complement commerce.

This is my group's project on Food For the Future. Our research attempts to evaluate current food production methods and examine what could we could expect in future food technologies.

OK we know all about food security issues, my group aims to investigate how we have been meeting people's needs and how we could do so responsibly. A few innovations were suggested, like the bubble gum meal, inspired by my favourite book Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. When I was a child and reading this book, I honestly thought somewhere in America was a shop selling Willy Wonka's gum with a 100 flavours. The future of food seems to be concentrated on smart farming, smart foods and smart packaging. These 'smarts' help to ensure that food production is maximised responsibly.

I enjoyed doing this project. Research was fun and although it was extremely vexing to put the website together with a unreliable laptop (mine)... I am proud of it and am glad we could share our work with the class!

I would rate this session 8/10. I felt like we could have discussed a bit more on the various projects.. I look forward to the next session!

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